
Ingredients: 2 cups spinach 1 cup mixed frozen berries 1/2 scoop of vanilla protein powder 2 tablespoons chia seed 2 tablespoons of slithered almonds or walnuts ½ cup of water Nutritional breakdown: Calories: 280 Fat: 13g Protein: 18g Carbs: 22g Nutrition Tip: Spinach is low in carbohydrates. On average, it contains approximately 0.80 grams of carbohydrate per serve/per cup. This …

Weight training, its worth its weight in gold

Resistance training has recently been recognized as a useful therapeutic tool for the treatment of a number of chronic diseases. Strength training (when done correctly) has been shown to provide a safe and effective way to control blood glucose, increase strength, and improve the quality of life in individuals with diabetes. Lifting weights is an effective form of exercise for …

My top tips to sticking to your new year’s resolution

Let’s face it; we all make a New Years resolution- Whether we stick to it is another story. The custom of setting “New Year’s resolutions” began during this period in Rome two millennia ago, as they made such resolutions with a moral flavor: mostly to be good to others. But when the Roman Empire took Christianity as its official state …